
(from armbean’s recipe box)

Servings: 2
An easy and quick applesauce that beats the heck out of store-bought. Why do people even buy that stuff? Probably because they haven’t made it themselves!

I even switched my SAD sister over to this applesauce and now she won’t touch store-bought to save her life! ;-). Hope you like it. Oh, just want to mention that I always leave my apple skins on, for added fiber. It doesn’t change the color or texture at all!

I’ll be getting my picture up soon, I haven’t got any fresh made right now and I don’t want to take a pic of it while it’s brown. Hehe.


  • Ingredients:
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • 1 Braeburn apple
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup water, as needed


  1. Preparation:

  2. Slice each apple in half and use a melon-baller to remove seeds (my easy tip-of-the-day). Cut into 1-2" cubes and place in blender, along with about 1/3 cup water. Turn blender on low and wait a minute or two for the apples to start breaking down a little. If it doesn’t blend after 2 minutes, add a tbsp more water and try again. Keep adding water, 1 tbsp at a time, until it starts to move around (you don’t want it too thin! ewww). Once it just starts to go, turn the blender to high and let it run for about 1 minute, until everything is nice and smooth.

  3. Pour into 2 serving dishes and enjoy!

  4. Note: it may turn a little bit brown, but it’ll be good for 1 day in the fridge if you don’t want to eat all of it at once.

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