Idli Upma

(from Nandini’s recipe box)

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Serves 3 people

Categories: Upma


  • Ingredients
  • left over idlis - 5
  • onion (big) - 1
  • green chilli-1
  • oil - 1 tsp
  • channa dhal - 1/2 tsp
  • urad dhal - 1/2 tsp
  • chilli powder - 1/4 tsp (if you have the dhal chilli powder normally used for idlis, that'll be
  • preferable, that can be used upto 1 tsp)


  1. Break idlis into crumbs using hand.

  2. If you’re using the Dhal powder mix that with a tsp of oil with the idli crumbs

  3. Chop onion and chilli into small pieces

  4. Heat oil and add the dhals. Fry till they turn golden in color

  5. Add onion and chilli and saute.

  6. Add idli crumbs. If you’re using ordinary chilli powder, add it now and mix gently for a few

  7. seconds.

  8. Serve hot with chutney. It’ll taste really great.

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