Pancharatna Idli

(from Nandini’s recipe box)

Categories: Idli


  • idly 70 pieces (small round plate)
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp sambhar powder
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • 1 tsp dhania powder
  • masala powder little bit each
  • onion 1/2 big
  • tomato 1/2 medium
  • salt
  • for seasoning oil, mustard, urad dhal


  1. Steam the idlies as usual or if there is leftover idly, you can use that. Those who do not have the small kuzhi (circle) plate, can manage with normal idly plates. If it is normal plates, cut the idly into small pieces.

  2. In a vanali, add oil and when it is hot, put mustard, urad dhal. When it is done, add onion andsaute well.

  3. Then, add tomato and fry well till the raw smell goes. Add idly pieces with all powders and salt and fry well till the idlies mix with all the other ingredients.

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