Spicy Idli Roast

(from Nandini’s recipe box)

Categories: Idli, Leftout


  • idli 4 nos.
  • big onions : 1 no.
  • coriander powder : 1/2 teaspoon
  • sambar powder : 1 teaspoon
  • cumin (jeera) powder : 1/2 teaspoon
  • mustard : 1 teaspoon
  • curry leaves : little
  • coriander leaves : little
  • tamarind pulp : 1/4 teaspoon
  • salt to taste
  • oil & ghee or dalda : 1 table spoon


  1. Cut medium sized idli into square shaped pieces & keep aside.

  2. Heat oil, fry mustard, saute chopped onions, then add sambar powder, coriander powder & curry leaves.

  3. Stir well & add tamarind pulp & salt & simmer in low fire for few seconds till the mixture turns to a thick gravy.

  4. Add jeera powder & idli pieces & stir very gently (otherwise idli pieces will break) for few seconds. Stop fire & pour little ghee or dalda.

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