Spaghetti Carabonara with Chicken

(from Lucianolinda’s recipe box)

Source: Prudence Hilburn- More Content Now

Categories: Pasta- Pasta Sauce- Pizza- Flatbread


  • 12 oz. soft cream cheese
  • 1 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • 3/4 cup half and half
  • 8 strips bacon, cut in 1 inch pieces
  • 2 minced garlic cloves (about 1 tsp.)
  • 16 oz. spaghetti, cooked according to package directions (reserve 1 cup if the cooking liquid)
  • 1 1/2 cups cooked and chopped chicken breasts
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese plus some for sprinkling over the top
  • 2 Tbsp. minced fresh parsley


  1. Combine cream cheese, Italian seasoning and half and half. Beat until smooth. Set aside.

  2. Cook bacon until crisp and drain on absorbent paper. Save 3 tablespoons drippings in skillet. Add garlic and cook about 30 seconds. Add bacon ad Italian cream mixture to skillet. Stir well.

  3. Cook over medium-low heat about 2 minutes. Add reserved cup of cooking liquid, spaghetti, chicken and 1/2 cup Parmesan. Toss to coat.

  4. Spoon into bowl and sprinkle more Parmesan over top. along with the minced parsley.

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