Honey-Pineapple Glazed Yams

(from tnhoneypot21’s recipe box)

per serving: Calories 271, Protein 3g, Fat 0g

I used cardamon-seed insides instead of ground cardamon, and more than recommended, and I think it overwhelmed the pineapple-flavor, but parents disagreed. Cardamon is very interesting and fragrant and delicious. I also added some pineapple chunks from the can the juice came out of, and I think that was a welcome addition. Anyway, good good and not difficult at all. Made it again at Mom’s request, Dad liked it quite a bit.

“Kissed by honey, blessed with flavor, and loaded with antioxidants- beta carotene and vitamin C- this dish fosters good health and good eating.”

Source: Low-Fat Soul by Jonell Nash (from RecipeThing user sissboombah)

Serves 4 people


  • 4 medium-sized (about 6 oz each) whole, unpeeled yams
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 2 teaspoons grated orange or lemon zest
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger


  1. In dutch oven, cover yams with cold water; bring to boil. Reduce heat; simmer until just tender yet firm, about 20 minutes. Drain; set aside to cool slightly.

  2. In same dutch oven, combine honey, pineapple juice, zest, cardamon, and ginger. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture is slightly reduced, about 10 minutes. Peel yams; cut into thick slices. Add yams to glaze; stir carefully to coat completely. Cook over low heat until yams are nicely glazed, about 25 minutes.

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