Belongs to Qetesh Kimchi (napa) 

Makes a medium hot kimchi, somewhat sweet and very garlicky. You can half the ingredients for a milder kimchi.

Fermentation is optional but really adds and changes the flavor.

For fish sauce I prefer a vietnamese type (currently use AAA brand).

Daikon can be substituted for korean radish, asian chives can be substituted by more green onions.

Oysters are completely optional and you probably won’t want to use them, especially if you want to ferment longer on the counter (>2 days). Oysters can also be substituted for korean salted shrimp (1/4 cup).

For kaktugi (radish) replace napa cabbage with 3 lbs of cubed korean radish or daikon.

You might need to buy:
  • oysters
  • ginger
  • asian pear
  • korean radish
  • asian chives
  • napa cabbage
  • green onions